Thursday, April 24, 2014

Changing Clothes into Food?

We know that Jesus turned water into wine, but could it be possible for us to turn our old clothes into food for those who need it?

On Sunday, May 4, First Baptist Church of Austin will host a First Sunday event from 9:30 to 10:45 am on the church plaza. This casual celebration is open to all church members and visitors; and the public is invited to take a "first look" at First Austin as well.

There will be something fun for the entire family, including live music by the electric and "rootsy" gospel band The Stapletones, face painting for the kids, and free breakfast tacos and donuts. During the First Sunday event, you will be given an opportunity to write a blessing for Capital Studios (details below). Following the event, all are invited to attend our 11 am child-led worship service.

In conjunction with the First Sunday event, we will have a Goodwill clothing drive from April 23 to May 18. There will be clothing bins located on each floor of the church. If we bring in enough clothing, Goodwill will actually pay us a percentage and any money we raise will go toward our FBC World Hunger Offering. So...clearing your closets of unwanted clothing could translate into a tangible way to help personally end hunger!

So spread the word and invite a friend, bring a neighbor, and join the entire First Austin community for a rousing morning of fellowship, live music, free breakfast, and family fun!

Niki Torres, 
Member of the FBCA Austin 
Missions and Ministry Committee 

Foundation Communities, Capital Studios Blessing!

On May 4th, you are invited to write a prayer, blessing, or word for our neighbors who will live across the street at 11th & Trinity. This past Advent we raised over $33,000 to help furnish Capital StudiosDuring the First Sunday event, while you are listening to the Stapletones and enjoying being outdoors, visit the Missions table outside to write a blessing to be placed in the structure of Capital Studios.

This is a creative way to continue to develop our relationship and ministry to these new neighbors before they move in! You've already blessed them by raising money to furnish their home, now come inscribe a blessing into their lives! 

More information will be available on the morning of May 4th during the First Sunday event. Following worship, a small group of people (no more than 20) will walk over to Capital Studios for a short ceremony to bless the property and place the written prayers of FBC into the walls of the building. 

Bring Your Family To Serve Others!

April 26th

or sign up with Dorothy Strickland at, 512-476-2725.


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