Slatcher comments that "writing down your thoughts helps put worries into concrete ideas . . . it creates a cohesive story for your life narrative."
As you continue your journey through the Lenten season, consider following Penebaker's tips:
Getting Ready to Write:
- Commit to writing for a minimum of 15 minutes a day for at least three or four consecutive days.
- Write continuously. Don't worry about spelling or grammar, and if you run out of things to write about, just repeat what you have already written.
- You may write longhand, type on a computer, or if you are unable to write, speak into a tape recorder.
- You do not have to write about the same topic every day.
What to Write About:
- Worries, thoughts or anything that is affecting your life in an unhealthy way
- Your dreams
- Something you have avoided for days, weeks or years
As Pennebaker says , "The use of expressive writing as a tool for relationship enhancement could be applied to families, circles of friends and even work groups."
Or, even God.
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