The Evolution of Idols
A Sermon on Acts 17:22-31
By Griff Martin
For the People of First Austin: a baptist community of
On the Sixth Sunday of Eastertide
May 21, 2017
and peace to you this morning. It is the sixth Sunday of our Easter celebration
and I hope you are still celebrating the ultimate truth: Christ Is Risen! (He
is Risen Indeed!) Alleluia!
this truth be the foundation for all we hear this day.
God, we ask that you once again take the Word and transform it into a living
and breathing Resurrected reality we can all together experience. Be present
here in this space and in these words God for if you are present here then
nothing else will matter, but if you are not present here then nothing else
will matter. In the name of the Creator, the Risen Christ and the
report came back earlier this month about the impact of ACL Festival on
Austin’s economy and it was better than most expected. Last year’s festival was
52% better than 2013 (when it was still just one weekend) and 24% higher than
the previous year 2015, both weekends of the Festival last year brought about
$277 million into our city’s economy.
was exciting news and it came out right about the time the lineup for next year
was being announced. So that morning on KGSR radio you could win a wristband
for next year’s festival by calling in and answering the question, how much
money did ACL bring into our city last year? It seemed easy since they had been
talking about the number literally all morning.
the first caller is so excited because he is sure that he knows the right
answer… and he is certain that he is about to win wristbands for the weekend
before they are even on sale. The DJ even says, “Although I am sure you know
it, I still have to ask: How much money did last year’s festival bring into
Austin?” And the caller replies “277 billion dollars.” The DJ goes quiet, “Can
you say that again?” (thinking he must have heard the caller wrong since $277
billion is more than our state budget). The caller again with much enthusiasm,
“277 billion dollars.” The DJ, “Sir is that billion with a b?” And then says,
“We will have to take the next caller” and then in a moment of brilliance says
“Caller 2… let’s hope you have this, the previous caller was off by several
hundred billion.”
bizarre because in some ways the caller was really close, literally off by just
one letter and yet at the same time off by several hundred billion dollars…..
so close and yet so very far.
think it might be exactly how God feels about this text.
week, the 6th Sunday of Easter, we get Paul and just saying his name
probably gets your heart racing a bit and not in the good way. Paul is
typically not the Patron Saint of a Church like ours because of some of his
statements about women, slavery, and sexuality…some of which we read wrong and
some of which are just simply wrong. There are times that Paul comes across as
a babbler who simply must share every thought that runs through his mind (which
is frustrating because it seems his mind produces all these thoughts in
literary brilliance). He might be the guy who today we would not follow on
Twitter because of our rising blood pressure. In fact in today’s text one of
the words used by the Athenians to describe Paul is the Greek word spermalogos…
and I am just going to leave it there and let you put two and two together.
loves being right and he loves to argue to prove he is right. In fact honestly
when I select one of Paul’s epistles for the sermon, more often than not on
Monday morning I begin by taking a very deep breath, bracing myself for what
will surely be a long week of arguments.
text finds Paul in deep trouble. He is here in Athens after being driven out of
Philippi, Thessalonica and Berea. He has been creating scenes as he is known to
do and there are folks that believe the world would be better without his voice
in it. Athens should be a safe place, it’s a big city and he can blend in here
and wait and be quiet, three jobs which are not his strong suits. But that is
why he is here, to blend in and be quiet and wait until Silas and Timothy can
join him.
while waiting he begins to wander and he looks around the city and this city is
extremely religious, there are statues to all the gods here. One translation of
Scripture says the city was a “junkyard of idols.” Athena, Zeus, Ares, Jupiter,
Venus, Diana, Neptune…. it’s a vast food court of idols and thoughts and
religions, almost a first century Westworld where all your dreams can
come true as you “live without limits” because there is every possibility here.
There is a valid question about these idols: are they here because the city is
extremely religious and spiritual or is the city extremely superstitious and
want to have all the bases covered? It could be either, we are not told, what
we are told is that there were a lot of idols and the longer he wandered, the
angrier Paul got about these idols.
makes sense for our Paul who began life as a devout Jew and whom would have
known the Shema quite well (“Hear O Israel, the Lord your God is one”), who
would know that the 10 Commandments begin with two commands against idolatry
(no other gods and no graven images). It’s worth noting that the Torah- the
first book of faith for three of our major world religions- seems to prefer
worship of no god over worshipping the wrong ones. And this has stuck with Paul
in his Christ following, and rightly so… there is no room for idols in Christ
following and everywhere he turns in this city there are idols and it’s getting
to him.
he can no longer help himself and Paul is in front of a crowd and he is offering
what amounts to a truly brilliantly constructed sermon of classic rhetoric,
this passage alone has lead many to compare Paul to Socrates and is often held
up as a prime example of a sermon and public speaking. It’s a fine sermon where
Paul takes one of their idols, the one titled “To An Unknown God,” and offers
to introduce them to the Unknown God and in that introduction he destroys their
idols, their worldview and he lays a very concise and quite beautiful
introduction to our God.
at the end of the story, despite all our feelings about Paul, we find ourselves
cheering him on and giving him an amen, a hurray. It’s almost a perfect movie
climax, you hear the Chariots of Fire theme song and we all feel strong enough
to jump from our seats and go change the world. We are ready to follow his
example and go out into the streets and offer the same message, to offer our
world an introduction to the unknown God. And I think it’s right there…. at
that moment as we are ready to follow Paul into the streets that we need to
stop and listen, because I think it’s then that God is saying over us: “oh they
are off by a few hundred billion once again….” So close and yet not close at
story is not about going to preach a sermon, this story is a sermon we need to
hear first. You can’t preach it until you have heard it and followed it. This
story can not be a rallying call to proclaim the unknown God until it is first
a contemplative text that makes us sit and ask the pivotal question: Are we
walking among the idols of our world today or are we bowing down in front of
them? You can’t address the idols on the streets until you address the idols in
your heart. You can’t take on the idols out there until you face the idols
we have this pesky problem with idols today: it seems that they have gone the
way of the devil, we don’t talk about them and we act like they don’t exist. We
think of idols and we think of Israelites dancing in front of a golden cow or
Rachel running off with her household God’s in her bag or those worshiping Baal
in the showdown with Elijah. It’s silly, nonsense, almost comical, who would
think a statue- an icon- has any real sense of power? We think it’s all so very
Old Testament and we are so far from that.
the truth is our idols have not disappeared, however they might not be all
around us anymore, lining our streets, they might be much closer these days.
our idols are in our back pockets or in our purses…. Maybe our idol is the
power of money and the ability to buy things, which we think gives us power and
certainly feds our ego. It’s another trip to Nordstrom’s, it’s the fancy car we
drive, it’s our house, it’s our vacation home, it’s the newest technology that
we bought before anyone else could. It’s the ability to buy things that
temporarily fill the need for More and make us feel superior to others.
our idols are that person we pretend to be on social media- the one we project
out there, the one where things are always going our way and everything looks
completely perfect, where our kids behave perfect all the time, where our
marriage looks happily ever after, where even our pets make us look like we
have the ideal life. The one where it looks like we are the perfect family
eating dinner cooked by Ina Garten in a dining room straight from Anthrologie
while sharing stories of how wonderful our day is… and we have a clever hashtag
to go with it. Our idol is the self we project for others.
our idol is that thing that we use to escape, to help us escape from the truth
of the world (although the truth is with these idols we don’t use them, they
use us)…. It might be alcohol, it might be pills, it might be pornography, it
might be Facebook or Netflix, and it might be something good that numbs us it
might even be our children, our partners, our marriages, taking care of
someone, keeping our calendars full of doing good. It’s whatever it is that
keeps us from doing the real work of our soul (and each of us has something
like this, most of us just never admit it).
our idol is our belief in independence that we can do all things without anyone
else’s help. Maybe our idol is our belief in power and the belief that we can do
anything or the closely related idol of control where we believe that we can be
in charge. And maybe together those three independence, power and control make
up the idol of privilege. … the fact that for a lot of us in this room we are
middle class white folks and the world has been pretty good to us and despite
that is not fair to everyone else, if we are honest about it we would say we
are somewhat okay with it.
it’s the bible or religion, us Baptist have a long history of turning these two
into answers and certainties, we have this bad habit of making them the
ultimate instead of the way to the ultimate. Instead of the finger pointing to
the light, they become the light.
there are plenty of others, the idol of romance, sex, gender, friendship,
patriotism, consumerism, capitalism, the desire for a long and healthy life,
family… the idols of greed, violence, politics, perfectionism. Our idols are
anything or anyone that holds the place that God alone should hold in our
some of them need to be released and we need to repent of some of them. Others
just need to be named and put in their proper place, while others just need to
be held a little less tight. As Barbara Brown Taylor writes: “It is only when
we stop believing in all of these and stop looking for everything that is not
God to save us, only when we are able to empty our hearts and wait without
idols, that there is room for God to bring us God.”
idol is anything that takes the place or priority of God in your soul.
what is it for you? Because maybe this morning its time that your unknown God
became known. So name that this morning with me… name it and then hear the
words of Paul, rewritten for us today- in what I am calling the 9th
and Trinity Translation:
is obvious that you First Austinites take your religion seriously. I mean you
are here on Sunday morning instead of brunching or biking or paddle boarding or
napping. Religion, God… it means some thing to you. Although paying attention
to your lives I have seen that there are other things taking the place of God
in your life, so let me this morning introduce you-remind you- of the true God
who is worthy of worship and worthy of all your devotion, not just part…
God who created the world and declared it as good, the one whom lives beyond
any cage or category or division we create, this God is the one who desires
all. God made you, you did not make God. And God made a good world for you, a
loving world that is welcoming to you. And God gave you a need for God, God did
not force a relationship but gave you a desire for one, and then God gave you
time to go about trying to find God, to be satisfied in God, to know God, to be
called by God, to love God. It’s like a big game of hide and seek, but God
hides in all the obvious places. God is everywhere, as Scripture says: “In God
we live and move and have our being.”
God will excuse us when we don’t know better, but First Austinites you have sat
in these pews long enough to know better. You know the unspoken and unnamed
idols in your heart, as does God, and you know they have no place there. The
unknown is now known and God is ready for us to change our ways. Because there
will come a day when all will be set right and hopefully we are part of those
who are doing the setting right… because that is what God wants, to love us and
to be loved by us- a love that is beyond any other in our life- and to have us
bringing about God’s kingdom in the world, those two things are what God
desires… those two things are why God raised Jesus from the dead.
those words wash over us. May we hear the sermon we need to fully hear this
sermon before rushing off into the streets.
and amen.
Art: Gold Cross No. 5, Painting by Greta Olivas,
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