Stephens-Davidowitz is an economist who recently wrote the book Everybody
Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really
Are. In this book, he points out some very interesting facts about our
social media self versus our actual self.
instance, in the real world, The National Enquirer sells three times as
many copies as The Atlantic. However, on Facebook, The Atlantic
is 45 times more popular. One can only assume we would rather lead our friends
to believe we are reading about the poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and
not the latest spotting of Elvis and Bigfoot.
this: Americans spend about 6 times as much of their time cleaning dishes as
they do golfing. But there are roughly twice as many tweets about golfing than
doing the dishes.
this: The Las Vegas budget hotel Circus Circus and the luxurious Hotel Bellagio
hold the same number of guests, yet online the Bellagio gets three times as
many check-ins as Circus Circus.
this simple fact: owners of luxury cars are almost two and half times more
likely to name their car on social media than those who own ordinary cars.
media has allowed us to grow what Thomas Merton so wisely called the false
self; it’s the person that we want others to think we are. It’s a great deal of
ego. It’s wanting to be seen in a certain way. It’s pride, power and
Rohr states, “your false self if how you define yourself outside of love,
relationship, or divine union.”
false self is dangerous and lonely. Merton cautioned us, “If we lie to
ourselves and to others, then we cannot expect to find truth and reality
whenever we happen to want them. If we have chosen the way of falsity we must
not be surprised that truth eludes us when we finally come to need it and that
confusion reigns.”
it’s so counter to the way of Jesus, which is about wholeness, bringing all of
who you are, being true to your self, being honest about the messy parts, and
learning that imperfect is not bad.
coming home, wearing your scars on the outside, knowing the broken places, having
dealt with regrets, knowing rock bottom and knowing who you are and knowing who
you want to be. It’s owning the messy parts, and accepting the imperfect parts,
and coming home because it’s on that walk when you hear the steps of a Father,
the shout, “Slaughter the fattened calf, my child who was lost is now home!”
…and the embrace that lasts a lifetime.
that journey only happens when we live out of our true self. It’s the only way.
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