Rev. Dr. Roger Paynter
After this, when Jesus knew all that was now
finished, he said ( in order to fulfill the scripture), ‘I
am thirsty.’ A
jar full of sour wine was standing there. So they put a sponge full of the wine
on a branch of hyssop and held it to his mouth. When Jesus had received the
wine, he said, ‘It
is finished.’ Then
he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
To those around the Cross, Jesus’ thirst
has nothing unusual about it. No doubt all three victims were rasping for drink
and Jesus is lucky enough for someone to use a cluster of hyssop branches to
push a sponge full of sour wine up to his mouth. Of course he was thirsty.
But the thirst that John wants us to understand
has no ‘of course’ about
it. Jesus never reveals his thirst until he is on the brink of his own death.
When Jesus knew that all was now finished, he said, “I
am thirsty.” It was not that Jesus knew
that everything had been done, so now he could gain some final relief. No,
thirst is itself the final expression of his revelation, and the
moment when his thirst is sated brings everything to its climax.
The climax of his whole life is found in the
quenching of his thirst. In that moment, his mission is fulfilled and he lets
go of life. ‘When Jesus had
received the wine, he said, “It
is finished.” Then he bowed
his head and gave up his spirit.’
John does not tell us what this thirst means (and
everything in John means something deeper) because to do so would be to
short-circuit our own response. If we cannot discover this thirst within
ourselves, if this thirst does not touch the intuition of our hearts, then it
rests on the surface of the story...just a matter of Jesus’ dry
mouth in the hour of his death.
What could our hearts tell us about this thirst?
‘Ecce homo’...Behold
the man.
Jesus is humanity in its thirst for union with
the mystery of our Origin, the all-encompassing Life we name so inadequately,
We quickly give our own thirst all sorts of
other interpretation. This thirst, we say, is really nothing more than
displaced sexual longing or wishful thinking or childish regression or evasive
fantasy. We believe we can find solutions for our thirst in the satisfactions
of our version of the ‘good life.’ We
can make sure life is just ‘normal’,
with no drama, in hopes this will numb the thirst. Or our thirst sends us in
pursuit of wealth or power or fame or a multitude of other misleading answers,
all promising more than they could possibly deliver.
Jesus chose to live without any blurring of the
thirst for God and without the pretense that other people or the good life can
assuage it. He lived openly, consciously, and with an immediacy of thirsting
for God. He opened up a space within his life large enough for the desire for
God in all fullness. He lived to that point where desire for God finally came
into its own as the very meaning of his humanity. Jesus is thirsty for God without
any qualification. Jesus is all desire without restriction. And with this
sentence, “I thirst,”
John wants us to understand that Jesus’ desire
is to be our desire, free of the constraints with which we rein it in.
The Church has long proclaimed Jesus as fully
human, fully divine, and John’s Gospel starts
with the idea that he is ‘The Word made flesh,
the embodiment of God.’ Therefore, the thirst
of Jesus also discloses the surprising truth of a thirsty God.
There is nothing radical about proclaiming the
love of God. Anyone can say such a thing. Even Hallmark cards tell us God loves
us. Far too often, God is that kindly uncle who looks upon us with an indulgent
smile. But the Divine Love that is seen in Jesus’ cry
of thirst is NOT benevolence, but desire.
Desire that is a burning thirst. A feverish desire for US. A scorching
desire so intense that it is the last cry of the Beloved for all the world! In
this cry, two thirsts have converged into a single reality of being one. The
Son and the Creator are One; God’s
thirst for humanity is quenched and our thirst for God is quenched in return.
In this moment, nothing more remains to be done.
All has been fulfilled. Indeed, “It
is finished.” ‘Then
he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.’
And it is enough.....
Are we willing to go below the surface of our lives and discover the great
thirst we are given for God? Are
we willing to go below the surface of our lives and learn of the deep desire
God has for us? Can we embrace the
truth of Gerald May when he declares, “Our
thirst FOR God is a gift FROM God?”
Easter awaits. But only the truly thirsty will
be quenched by the overflowing Love of the Risen Christ. May we be prepared to
drink deeply!
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