John Spratlin
After this Jesus
went about in Galilee. He did not wish[a]
to go about in Judea because the Jews were looking for an opportunity to kill
him. Now
the Jewish festival of Booths was near. So
his brothers said to him, “Leave
here and go to Judea so that your disciples also may see the works you are
doing; for no one who wants to be widely known acts in secret. If you do these
things, show yourself to the world.” (For
not even his brothers believed in him.) Jesus said to them, “My
time has not yet come, but your time is always here. The
world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify against it that its
works are evil. (John 7:1-7)
you ever get unsolicited advice from family and friends? Have you ever been in a relationship—personal; business; or otherwise
where you were communicating yet… you really were not on the same page? This story of Jesus and his half brothers told in these
verses presents a good example of my point.
Feast of the Tabernacles was coming up soon. All Jewish males were required to
attend this feast. The brothers, as brothers will be, were full of unsolicited
and untimely advice for Jesus to go up to the festival and to make a show of
it. “Go
early and perform works so your disciples can see them. By doing so, your name
can be known and you can quit operating in secret. Leave now and go!”
was a small problem with this advice. The Jewish leaders in Jerusalem were
already well aware of Jesus and considered Him to be dangerous. They were on
the lookout for Jesus at the festival and they had threatened to kill him if
they could find him. Jesus had avoided Jerusalem for some time. The divine plan
was not yet ready for Him to die.
can ask a simple question here. Who should have known Jesus better than his own
brothers? They had been brought up together; eaten at the same table; had the
same parents and yet they didn’t know or understand their brother’s mission. They were giving Him advice He couldn’t use at all. With all their
familiarity, they had missed the main point of who He really was. They were talking to their brother and
completely ignorant of His calling, mission and timing. Verse 5 says they were not yet
believers… “For not even his brothers believed
in him.“
wife and I went to buy a car a number of years ago. She was the buyer
and we were prepared that day to purchase a car and pay for it in full. The
young salesman who met us immediately started talking to me about the lease
options. He obviously had an agenda that revolved around the lease program.
politely tried to tell him that he should be conversing with my wife and that
we were there to “purchase” and not lease an automobile. We went through the drill several times
before we finally left the dealership in complete frustration. He just couldn’t comprehend that what he was
offering was not what we were buying. She went to a different brand dealership
two weeks later and purchased a car on the terms she wanted. The young salesman
sadly missed his opportunity. If he had asked the simple opening question of, “Why are you here?” That question would have changed
the whole dynamic. His agenda should have been to find out “what we wanted” since we were the
sometimes think we treat Jesus the same way his brothers treated Him. We are old familiar friends and we
offer advice and helpful suggestions on what He can do and where He should act.
We bring our agendas and in so doing, we miss the point just like the young
salesman did. It is not about us. Our lives should be lived out for HIM.
Our proper role is not to prayerfully present
our “to-do lists” to Jesus, but to humbly ask the central question of how and where He
would have us serve Him.
Our reminder on a daily basis should not be WWJD… but What Would
Jesus Have Me Do?
Romans 12: 1 - I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of
God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God,
which is your reasonable service.
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