Wednesday, February 25, 2015

 Rev. Dr. Doug Keenan

John 2:23-24 many believed in his name because they saw the signs that he was doing. 24 But Jesus on his part would not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people.                      

Do you know yourself? Most of us try to hide our true character from those around us and occasionally from ourselves. We know who we want to be but also realize that we may not be there yet. Our culture encourages self-realization but also asks us to put on a façade; and we gladly accept the deception.

When we are challenged to put aside the charade, to be honest with ourselves and with all those around us, is it worth the risk? Nicodemus must have felt the risk when he sought out Jesus one night.

Nicodemus is an intriguing character who found this new prophet to be an even more intriguing character. Why else would he risk personal safety and reputation to seek Jesus out?

Nicodemus probably heard Jesus teach in the synagogue and listened to the way he responded to critics. Indeed there was something different about his words.

Did they stir in Nicodemus a wisdom that he was seeking in the study of scripture?

Did Jesus reflect a relationship and understanding of God that Nicodemus desired?

Nicodemus came to Jesus in the dark of night
He was curious
He was seeking
He was hopeful

Jesus offered a way of new beginnings
It was curious
It was challenging
It was hopeful

Nicodemus knew the meaning of the words
They were familiar
They were changed
They were full of new life

Jesus talked of flesh and spirit
Flesh is of the earth
Spirit is like the wind
Trust is to see them together

Nicodemus saw Jesus in a new light
Thoughtfully seeking
Faithfully challenged
Beginning to believe

What do you need this Lenten season: a new beginning, a personal discovery, the courage to risk? Can you find flesh and spirit come together in Jesus? Will you allow the God in Christ to reveal your true character?

Doug Keenan is the Associate Pastor of The First Baptist Church of Austin


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