Thursday, August 12, 2010

FOCUS” - 30 days of prayer for unity

from Roger’s sermon on August 8, 2010:
FOCUS, I give you that five-letter word as an acronym for how I want to ask you to pray. So, here it is: F is for faithfulness, that is, I’m asking you to be faithful to this challenge everyday; O is for openness, let your heart be soft, be open to what the Spirit is saying to you, you may hear things you never imagined, you may let go of old or current resentments, you may be open to new things that the Spirit has never placed in your heart before; C is for centered, let this be a time of prayer that leads you to a more centered balanced life where you draw your strength from within primarily; U is for united, pray that our church will become united across all the boundaries that can threaten to divide – intergenerational being one of them, beyond just your Sunday School Class or your group; S is for service, how is the Spirit leading you or us to greater service? Is it of the Spirit or is it a project that you want everyone else to embrace but may not be for all of us. Prayer should lead US to a servant-serving heart.
30 days of prayer for unity


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