19:9 The fear of the LORD is clean,
enduring forever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
On March 4,
1865, Abraham Lincoln delivered a Lenten sermon. More typically, it is called
his Second Inaugural Address. But
it was surely spoken in the spirit of Lent. It speaks of a painful journey and
it describes what must be put down before Hope can be taken up.
The Civil
War continued as Lincoln spoke.
But the outcome appeared clear and Lincoln could with comfortable
understatement describe, “The progress
of our arms” as “reasonably
satisfactory and encouraging to all.”
address, at 711 words and delivered in less than six minutes, unpacks much
public theology over its brief course.
He quoted scripture without giving chapter and verse references because
his audience would not have needed them.
The King James Bible provided a common language in which most were
noted that North and South “read
the same Bible and pray to the same God.” But
Lincoln did not merely use the Bible for rhetorical effect: He dared to approach the question that
disturbs our sleep and hovers unanswered above the death of every innocent
Where was
As 750,000
lay dead: Where was God? Among the piles of amputated limbs and rotting flesh:
Where was God? And where was God
as America invented, perpetuated and prospered under a system of race based
Of course,
we have had no shortage of God talk in recent American political
discourse. But mostly that talk
comes in the form of gratitude to a God that led “our side” to
victory over the other.
Astoundingly, Lincoln, total victory in view, speaks of a God sitting in
Judgment of us all: the rebellious
South and the victorious North.
If only he could have blamed it all on Southern Slavery or just slavery – but,
no; he spoke of “American
side was innocent.
Not the
unapologetic Southern defender of institutional dehumanization. But also, not the Northern
architects of fugitive slave laws and endless compromise.
This day,
he spoke of the Northern blood spilled not as heroic or even tragic. He spoke of that blood as a
manifestation of divine justice:
Yet, if God
wills that it continue until … every
drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the
sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said “the
judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.”
And not
just the blood of the enemy; but our side’s as well. “You there
in the back – the amputee
in the blue uniform: you got what you deserved; didn’t you know that: ‘the
judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.’”
It is
difficult to imagine a modern leader expecting so much from his listeners. It is difficult to imagine a modern
audience ready to hear what Lincoln had to say. He demanded an acknowledgement that the victors stood under
Judgment. He demanded an
exhibition of Christian humility.
He called for a time of laying down and setting aside as a necessary
prelude to laying claim and picking up.
There is a
time for all things.
could not have said at Gettysburg, as the war’s outcome lay in the balance, what he
said at the second inaugural. Those of us who are less conversant with the
church calendar may forget that Lent calls for confessions that may seem out of
place when Easter arrives.
knew that a “lasting
peace among ourselves” was
impossible until triumphalism was laid down. He knew that victory gave no permission to claim certainty
regarding the “purposes of
the Almighty.”
He knew
that a new birth could not arise from old hatreds.
we stand on the edge of Easter’s victory, what must we
put down before Hope can be taken up?
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